a collection of original, closed and open, species from VII (cryptalsis), arranged in hierarachy in a fantasy world.

formerly rcthevii


Teardrop Sanctidie (or commonly referred to as "Tears" or "Teardrops") are rejected emotions of the Theoli(Theolus) that had taken a sentient, corporeal form. They bear a slight semblance to their progenitors, however without praise, love, or worship, they can die out into a puddle and remain into a liquified state. This only means the Teardrop rejects even themselves.The emotions they have will be felt and linger around them in all forms they have. They can also manifest the auras of these feelings, including from other creatures, and form them into a liquified state that they can manipulate however to their liking. The higher the rank of a Teardrop is, the more powerful and difficult it is to fight and break out of their water-based combat.With these, they can influence others, that are susceptible to magic, with the emotions they bear.Teardrop's notable traits are the never-ending, dark tears present in their eyes, the tear-shaped symbols on their hands and feet, and the floating horns around their head no matter what rank they are. They also have small, pointy ears.The more whole the Tears are, usually by earning love and worship from another being, the brighter they are and the lesser their tears become.Some Tears would even have more solid, tilted halos present over their heads. The higher their rank is, their tears can also shed a colour. These colours symbolizes acceptance from the either love, worship, respect, and praise.

(necessary) floating horns | tears/dripping | tear-shaped symbols on hands and feet | pointy ears
(optional) colours tears on rare to super rare traits

(common) 4 pairs, with 1 pair separate and floating off from the head. it's semi-solid and dripping.
(uncommon) 4 pairs, with 2 pairs separate and floating off from the head. it's much less liquified and dripping.
(rare) 4 pairs, with 3 pairs separate and floating off from the head.
(super rare) 4 pairs, with all pairs separate and floating off from the head.

(common) blank, more watery.
(uncommon) full irises, average tearing.
(rare) full irises with varied pupils. tears are lesser and it has an optional coloured variety.
(super rare) ring irises, tears are in a more tangible form and it has an optional coloured variety.

(common) 1 pair of small dragon/bat-like wings, or feathered wings.
(uncommon) 2 pairs of the above.
(rare) 3 pairs of the above, with 1 pair separate and floating off from the body.
(super rare) 4 pairs of the above, with 2 pairs separate and floating off from the body.

(common) (not present)
(uncommon) present, but dark, dripping and watery.
(rare) present and slightly more solid than the uncommon halos, less watery and drippy.
(super rare) present and more solid than the other types, with more tangible tears hanging, and can be dark to different variants in colours. it also has a tendency to glow if wanted to by the Teardrop.


[ I ]
all rare to super rare traits.
[ II ]
three rare traits with other common or uncommon traits.
[ III ]
uncommon traits only or mixed common to uncommon with one rare trait.
[ IV ]
common with uncommon traits.
[ X ]
common only.

You can't make your own without permission from Cryptalsis.

(necessary) winged ears | full or semi-full circlets with diamonds.
(optional) feline features.

note: this species line is now discontinued for cryptalsis and we are only selling the remaining designs we have left. other people are still free to make their own designs, but we won't be making more from cryptalsis. this doesn't mean you can steal the concept for somneiteia. we still own the species and have not moved the ownership to anybody else until further notice.

Dream-dwelling entities, essentially messengers within the realms of the unconscious and subconscious, however, they can also manifest into the physical plane.They are easily recognized by the miniature wings (or with disabled Somns; only one wing) and flocks of feathers instead for human ears as their way of hearing. Sometimes, they are also spotted with feline features, likely alluding to it's nature of sleeping.How to pronounce:
(Sohm-nay-tee-ya); plural "Somns"
Portmanteau: Somnus(Roman for "sleep") + Oneiros(Greek for "dream") + Manteia (Also Greek, for "prophecy")

You can create your own without permission from Cryptalsis.

VORPHERS (coined portmanteau from "vore" and "morpher") are species that originated underground in the world of Cryptalsis. They are typically seen from the lower outskirts, however, it is not uncommon for them to be found on the surface mingling with the Teardrop Sanctidie.They have rodent-like features, with their tails acting as their feeding mechanism. Vorphers are born and raised to eat with this method since their primary esophagus connected to their stomach comes from their tails. This doesn't mean they don't make use of their secondary mouths, although it's useless for any form of consumption and it could be harmful for anything to go through it. Though some Vorphers opt for this to be surgically adjusted for safety, it's not very common.

Vorphers are not always threats. They show they can be peaceful, working alongside as equals or servants of the Sanctidie. Following are the two official types of Vorphers known from the records:RESPICERE
This classification of Vorphers are typically harmless, with traits that are identified in total as Level F and B (common to uncommon traits). They don't usually consume meat(some might in small amounts) or consume other species, making them weaker than the other type of Vorphers. Their living conditions are commonly found to be within middle to high-class.
The more dangerous counterpart that had evolved due to continous consumption of their own kind or other species. Because of this, they have traits that total into Level A and S (uncommon to rare traits).
They are more commonly evolved from living too long underground, although their numbers are unstable due to many instances of reproduction and killing each other for survival. Although it's not to say some lurk in secret spaces of a more comfortable society for precious prey or, are kept by strict organizations or more privileged individuals as their own type of weaponry.Higher levels of mutation grants Vorphers enough capability where they can overpower and devour even the Theoli and the Teardrop Sanctidie. This level classification is also known as Level X and XX, or God-eaters.

**__LEVEL CLASSIFICATIONS__****F - ** Common ONLY traits
**B -** Common AND uncommon traits
**A -** Uncommon AND/OR WITH rare traits
**S -** Rare ONLY traits
**X -** Rare AND ultra rare traits
**XX -** Ultra rare ONLY traits


You can't make your own without permission from Cryptalsis.

(necessary) cat ears with built-in LED speakers | anti-gravity accessory in the form of a pair of stylized wings with glowing assets, including spherical objects. | LED collars, bells, bird tails.
(optional) soundwave patterns in other clothing.

An android companion that can play you music as a nice, little touch, but primarily functions as any artificial intelligence with a body that develops overtime. Advanced technology isn't unusual in the world of Cryptalsis, and mass produced creations like E-Synfonia can be frequently seen around and advertised in public platforms.E.S.U.A.
(E-Synfonia Unit Alpha)
is the first success of the company, and all proceeding models are made in his likeness, but in certain occasions, limited, specially designed units will be produced, and customers are able to request for a unique model to fit their tastes.

You can't make your own without permission from Cryptalsis.